Most of the content (and all images if not specified differently) are taken from Introduction to SQL by Nick Carchedi.


  • SQL stands for Structured Query Language
  • It is a language for interacting with data stored in something called a relational database.
  • A relational database can be thought of as a collection of tables.
  • A table is just a set of rows (aka records) and columns (called fields), like a spreadsheet, which represents exactly one type of entity.
  • For example, a table might represent employees in a company or purchases made, but not both.

Selecting columns

Assume we have a table called people

id name birthdate deathdate
1 50 Cent 1975-07-06 null
2 A. Michael Baldwin 1963-04-04 null

… showing 2 out of 8397 rows

To select the name column we can use the following command:

SELECT name FROM people;

SELECT and FROM are called keywords and by convention they are written in uppercase (even though SQL is not case sensitive)

Select multiple columns

SELECT name, birthdate
FROM people;

Select all columns

FROM people;

Limit the number of returned results

FROM people

Select all the unique values from a column

FROM people;

Count the number of rows

FROM people;

Count the number of non-missing values in a column

SELECT COUNT(birthdate)
FROM people;

Count the number of distinct values in a column

FROM people;

Filtering rows

WHERE allows you to filter based on both text and numeric values in a table by using the following operators:

  • = equal
  • <> not equal
  • < less than
  • > greater than
  • <= less than or equal to
  • >= greater than or equal to

WHERE always comes after the FROM statement

Assume we have a tbale called films with the following columns:

| id | title| release_year |country | duration | language | certification | budget | |—|—|—|—|—|—|—|—|

…Showing 0 out of 4986 rows

Return all rows satisfying a specific condition

SELECT title
FROM films
WHERE title = 'Metropolis';

In PostgreSQL, you must use single quotes with WHERE

SELECT title
FROM films
WHERE release_year > 2000;

Return all rows satisfying a combination of multiple conditions

SELECT title
FROM films
WHERE release_year > 1990
AND release_year < 2010;
SELECT title
FROM films
WHERE release_year = 1990
OR release_year = 2010;
SELECT title
FROM films
WHERE (release_year = 1994 OR release_year = 1995)
AND (certification = 'PG' OR certification = 'R');

SELECT title
FROM films
WHERE release_year BETWEEN 1994 AND 2000;

is equivalent to

SELECT title
FROM films
WHERE release_year >= 1994
AND release_year <= 2000;

SELECT title
FROM kids
WHERE release_year IN (1956, 1990, 2000, 2010);

NULL represents a missing or unknown value. Check for NULL values by using the expression IS NULL.

Count the number of missing birth dates in the people table

FROM people
WHERE birthdate IS NULL;

Select all rows with no missing values in particular column

FROM people
WHERE birthdate IS NOT NULL;

  • LIKE (and NOT LIKE) can be used to search for patterns in a column
  • % is a wildcard which matches zero, one, or many characters in text
  • _ is a wildcard which matches a single character in text

Select all rows where name in column starts with A

FROM people
WHERE name LIKE 'A%';

Select all rows where name in column do not start with A

FROM people

Aggregate functions

SELECT MIN(budget)
FROM films;
SELECT MAX(budget)
FROM films;
SELECT SUM(budget)
FROM films;
SELECT AVG(budget)
FROM films;

SELECT SUM(budget)
FROM films
WHERE release_year >= 2010;

+, -, /, *: symbols for basic arithmetic

SELECT (4 * 3);

SQL assumes that if you divide an integer by an integer, you want to get an integer back.

SELECT (4 / 3);
SELECT (4.0 / 3.0)

AS: assign a temporary name to something (aka aliasing)

SELECT MAX(budget) AS max_budget,
       MAX(duration) AS max_duration
FROM films;


  • ORDER BY: sort results in ascending or descending order according to the values of one or more columns.
  • DESC: sort in descending order (default is ascending order)

Put ORDER BY at the end of your query

Sort by a column in ascending order

SELECT title
FROM films
ORDER BY release_year;

Sort by a column in descending order

SELECT title
FROM films
ORDER BY release_year DESC;

Sort multiple columns (order of columns matters!)

SELECT birthdate, name
FROM people
ORDER BY birthdate, name;


GROUP BY: group a result by one or more columns (used with aggregate functions like COUNT() or MAX())

GROUP BY always goes after the FROM clause

SELECT release_year, count(*)
FROM films
GROUP BY release_year
ORDER BY count;


Aggregate functions can’t be used in WHERE clauses

SELECT release_year
FROM films
GROUP BY release_year
HAVING COUNT(title) > 10;

Joining Data in SQL