
Office 1

  • Local Area Network
    • [PC], [Server], [Server] -> switch
  • Router

Office 2

  • Local Area Network
    • [PC], [Laptop] -> switch
  • Router

Office 1 <–> Production Network <–> Office 2

  • Assume you are at the PC in office 2 and you want to connect to the router in office 1 to change configurations.
  • Use Secure Shell (SSH) to connect to its management IP address over the network
    • note that oyu could also use Telnet, but this protocol is insecure
    • commands entered in SSH are encrypted (as opposed to commands entered in Telnet)
  • secure login typically enforced through integration with a centralised AAA server (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting)

Download and install Putty

  • package for downloading can be found at putty.org
  • for MacOS versions, see here

Connect to Router

  • open Putty
  • enter the IP address of the device you want to connect to
  • enter your username and password
  • now you’re on the command line of your router and can start configuring it

Management Network

In additon to the Production Network connecting Office 1 and Office 2 most companies have a Management Network connecting both offices.

Office 1 <–> Management Network <–> Office 2

In case there is a problem with the Production Network, the Management Network can be used as a backup

  • connection via Production Network is called ìn Band (using the same path as normal staff does). Connection via Management Network is called Out of Band.