
  • Big Data refers to data sets that are too complex for traditional data-processing software

3 Vs of Big Data

  • Volume: Size of the data
  • Variety: Different sources and formats
  • Velocity: Speed of the data

Concepts and Terminology

  • Clustered computing: Collection of resources of multiple machines
  • Parallel computing: Simultaneous computation
  • Distributed computing: Collection of nodes (networked computers) that run in parallel
  • Batch processing: Breaking the job into small pieces and running them on individual machines
  • Real-time processing: Immediate processing of data

Porcessing systems

  • Hadoop/MapReduce: Scalable and fault tolerant framework written in Java
    • Open source
    • Batch processing
  • Apache Spark: General purpose and lightning fast cluster computing system
    • Open source
    • Both batch and real-time data processing
    • Features
      • Distributed cluster computing framework
      • Efficient in-memory computations for large data sets
      • Lightning fast data processing framework
      • Provide support for Java, Scala, Python, R, SQL
    • Components
      • RDD API Apache Spark Core
        • Spark SQL
        • MLlib Machine Learning
        • GraphX
        • Spark Streaming
    • Modes of Deployment
      • Local Mode: Single machine such as laptop
        • convenient for testing, debugging and demonstration
      • Cluster Mode: Set of predefined machines
        • good for production
      • Workflow: Local -> Cluster
      • No code change necessary


Spark with Python!


  • Apache Spark is written in Scala
  • PySpark was designed to support Python with Spark
  • Similar computation speed and power as Scala
  • PySpark APIs are similar to Pandas and Scikit-learn

Spark shell

  • interactive environment for running Spark jobs
  • helpful for fast interactive prototyping
  • Spark’s shell allow interacting with data on disk or in memory
  • 3 different Spark shells:
    • Spark-shell for Scala
    • PySpark-shell for Python
    • SparkR for R

PySpark shell

  • PySpark shell is the Python based command line tool
  • PySpark shell allows data scientists interface with Spark data structures
  • PySpark shell support connecting to a cluster

Understanding SparkContext

  • SparkContext is an entry point into the world of Spark
  • An entry point is a way of connecting to Spark cluster
  • An entry point is like a key to the house
  • PySpark has a default SparkContext called sc

Inspecting SparkContext

sc.version # retrieve SparkContext version
sc.pythonVer # retrieve Python version of SparkContext
sc.master # URL of the cluster or "local" string to run in local mode of SparkContext

Loading data in PySpark

rdd = sc.parallelize([1,2,3,4,5])
rdd2 = sc.textFile("test.txt")

Anonymous functions in Python

  • Lambda functions are anonymous functions in Python
  • return the functions without any names (i.e. anonymous)
  • Quite efficient with map()and filter()
  • Lambda functions create functions to be called later
  • Inline a function definition or to defer execution of some code

Lambda function syntax

lambda arguments: expression # the general form of a lambda function
double = lambda x: x * 2 # example of a lambda function

Lambda function in map()

  • map(): takes a function and a list; returns a new list which contains items returned by that function for each item
map(function, list) # general syntax of map()
items = [1,2,3,4]
list(map(lambda x: x + 2 , items)) # example of map()
items = [1,2,3,4]
list(map(lambda x, y: x + y , items, items)) # example of map() with two arguments

Lambda function in filter()

  • filter(): takes a function and a list; returns a new list for which the function evaluates as true
filter(function, list) # general syntax of filter()
items = [1,2,3,4]
list(filter(lambda x: (x%2 != 0), items)) # example of filter()
[1, 3]

PySpark RDD

  • RDD: Resilient Distributed Datasets
    • Resilient: Ability to withstand failures
    • Distributed: Spanning across multiple machines
    • Datasets: Collection of partitioned data e.g. Arrays, Tables, Tuples etc.

General Structure

  1. Data File on disk
  2. Spark driver creates RDD and distributes amount on Nodes
  3. Cluster
    • Node 1: RDD Partition 1
    • Node 2: RDD Partition 2
    • Node 3: RDD Partition 3
    • Node n: RDD Partition n

Creating RDDs


  • Parallelizing an existing collection of objects an existing collection of objects
  • From external datasets (for example):
    • Files in HDFS
    • Objects in Amazon S3 bucket
    • lines in a text file
  • From existing RDDs

Parallelizing an existing collection of objects

numRDD = sc.parallelize([1,2,3,4]) # parallelize() for creating RDDs from python lists
helloRDD = sc.parallelize("Hello world")
<class 'pyspark.rdd.PipelinedRDD'>

From external datasets

fileRDD = sc.textFile("") # textFile() for creating RDDs from external datasets
<class 'pyspark.rdd.PipelinedRDD'>

Understanding Partitioning in PySpark

  • A partition is a logical division of a large distributed data set
numRDD = sc.parallelize(range(10), minPartitions = 6)
fileRDD = sc.textFile("", minPartitions = 6)
  • getNumPartitions(): find the number of partitions in an RDD

RDD operations in PySpark

Spark Operations = Transformations + Actions

  • Transformations: create new RDDs
  • Actions: perform computations on the RDDs

RDD transformations

Transformation follow lazy evaluation:

  • Storage (-> reading data from stable storage)
    • RDD1 (-> transformation)
      • RDD2 (-> transformation)
        • RDD3 (-> action)
          • result
  • basic RDD transformations: map(), filter(), flatMap(), union()


  • applies a function to all elements in the RDD
RDD = sc.parallelize([1,2,3,4])
RDD_map = x: x * x)


  • returns a new RDD with only the elements that pass the condition
RDD = sc.parallelize([1,2,3,4])
RDD_filter = RDD.filter(lambda x: x > 2)


  • returns multiple values for each element in teh original RDD
RDD = sc.parallelize(["hello world", "how are you"])
RDD_flatmap = RDD.flatMap(lambda x: x.split(" ")) # returns ["hello", "world", "how", "are", "you"]


inputRDD = sc.textFile("logs.txt")
errorRDD = inputRDD.filter(lambda x: "error" in x.split())
warningsRDD = inputRDD.filter(lambda x: "warnings" in x.split())
combinedRDD = errorRDD.union(warningsRDD)

RDD actions

  • Operation returning a value after running a computation on the RDD
  • Basic RDD actions: collect(), take(N), first(), count()


  • return all the elements of the dataset as an array
[1, 4, 9, 16]


  • return an array with the first N elements of the dataset
[1, 4]


  • print the first element of the RDD


  • return the number of elements in the RDD

Pair RDDs in PySpark

  • Real life datasets are usually key/value pairs
  • Each row is a key and maps to one or more values
  • Pair RDD: a special data structure to work with this kind of datasets
  • Pair RDD: Key is the identifier and value is data

Creating pair RDDs

Two common ways to create pair RDDs

From a list of key-value tuples

my_tuple = [('Sam', 23), ('Mary', 34), ('Peter', 25)]
pairRDD_tuple = sc.parallelize(my_tuple)

From a regular RDD

my_list = ['Sam 23', 'Mary 34', 'Peter 25']
regularRDD = sc.parallelize(my_list)
pairRDD_RDD = x: (x.split(" ")[0], x.split(" ")[1]))

Transformations on pair RDDs

  • All regular transformations work on pair RDDs
  • Requires functions that operate on key value pairs rather than on individual elements
  • Examples of paired RDD transformations:
    • reduceByKey(func): Combine values with the same key
    • groupByKey(): Group values with the same key
    • sortByKey(): Return an RDD sorted by the key
    • join(): Join two pair RDDs based on their key


  • Transformation that combines values with the same key
  • Runs parallel operations for each key in the dataset
 regularRDD = sc.parallelize([("Messi", 23), ("Ronaldo", 34), ("Neymar", 22), ("Messi", 24)])
pairRDD_reducebykey = regularRDD.reduceByKey(lambda x,y : x + y)
[('Neymar', 22), ('Ronaldo', 34), ('Messi', 47)]


  • Transformation that orders pair RDD by key
  • Returns an RDD sorted by key in ascending or descending order
pairRDD_reducebykey_rev = x: (x[1], x[0]))
[(47, 'Messi'), (34, 'Ronaldo'), (22, 'Neymar')]


  • transformation that groups all the values with the same key in the pair RDD
airports = [("US", "JFK"),("UK", "LHR"),("FR", "CDG"),("US", "SFO")]
regularRDD = sc.parallelize(airports)
pairRDD_group = regularRDD.groupByKey().collect()
for cont, air in pairRDD_group:
    print(cont, list(air))
FR ['CDG']
US ['JFK', 'SFO']
UK ['LHR']


  • transformation that joins the two paor RDDs based on their key
RDD1 = sc.parallelize([("Messi", 34), ("Ronaldo", 32), ("Neymar", 24)])
RDD2 = sc.parallelize([("Ronaldo", 80),("Neymar", 120),("Messi", 100)])
[('Neymar', (24, 120)), ('Ronaldo', (32, 80)), ('Messi', (34, 100))]

More actions

Regular RDD


  • reduce(): aggregate the elements of a regular RDD
  • should be commutative (ie. changing the order of the operands does not change the result) and associative
x = [1,3,4,6]
RDD = sc.parallelize(x)
RDD.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y)


  • saveAsTextFile(): saves RDD into a text file inside a directory with each partition as a separate file
  • coalesce(): can be used to save RDD as a single text file

Pair RDD


  • countByKey: counts the number of elements for each key
  • only available for type(K, V)
rdd = sc.parallelize([("a", 1), ("b", 1), ("a", 1)])
for kee, val in rdd.countByKey().items():
    print(kee, val)
('a', 2)
('b', 1)


  • collectAsMap: return the key value pairs in the RDD as a dictionary
sc.parallelize([(1, 2), (3, 4)]).collectAsMap() {1: 2, 3: 4}
{1: 2, 3: 4}

PySpark DataFrame

  • PySpark SQL: Spark library for structured data.
  • PySpark DataFrame: an immutable distributed collection of data with named columns
    • designed for processing both structured and semi-structured data
  • DataFrame API is available in Python, R, Scala, and Java
  • DataFrames in PySpark support both SQL queries (SELECT * FROM table) or expression methods (


  • SparkContext is the main entry point for creating RDDs
  • SparkSession provides a single point of entry to interact with Spark DataFrames
    • used to create DataFrame, register DataFrames, execute SQL queries
    • available in PySpark shell as spark

Creating DataFrames

  • Two different methods of creating DataFrames in PySpark
    • From existing RDD using Sparksession’s createDataFrame() method
    • From various data sources (CSV, JSON, TXT) using Sparksession’s read()method
  • Schema
    • controls the data and helps DataFrames to optimize queries
    • provides information about column name, type of data in the column, empty values, etc.

From RDD

iphones_RDD = sc.parallelize([ 
    ("XS", 2018, 5.65, 2.79, 6.24), 
    ("XR", 2018, 5.94, 2.98, 6.84), 
    ("X10", 2017, 5.65, 2.79, 6.13), 
    ("8Plus", 2017, 6.23, 3.07, 7.12)
names = ['Model', 'Year', 'Height', 'Width', 'Weight']
iphones_df = spark.createDataFrame(iphones_RDD, schema=names) type(iphones_df)

From reading CSV/JSON/TXT

df_csv ="people.csv", header=True, inferSchema=True)
df_json ="people.json", header=True, inferSchema=True) df_txt ="people.txt", header=True, inferSchema=True)

DataFrame Operators in Pyspark

  • DataFrame operations: Transformations and Actions
  • DataFrame Tranformations: select(), filter(), groupby(), orderby(), dropDuplicates(), and withColumnRenamed()
  • DataFrame Actions: head(), show(), count(), and describe()
  • General methods for Spark datsets/dataframes: printSchema()


  • select() subsets the columns in the DataFrame
df_id_age ='Age')
  • show() prints first 20 rows in the DataFrame # shows top 3 rows
  • filter() filters out the rows based on a condition
new_df_age21 = new_df.filter(new_df.Age > 21)
groupby() and count()
  • groupby() can be used to group a variable
test_df_age_group = test_df.groupby('Age')
  • orderBy() sorts the DataFrame based on one or more columns
  • dropDuplicates() removes the duplicate rows of a DataFrame
test_df_no_dup ='User_ID','Gender', 'Age').dropDuplicates()
  • withColumnRenamed() renames a column in the DataFrame
test_df_sex = test_df.withColumnRenamed('Gender','Sex')
|1000001|  F| 17| 
|1000001|  F| 17| 
|1000001|  F| 17| 


  • columns prints the columns of a DataFrame
  • describe() computes summary statistics of numerical columns in the DataFrame
  • printSchema() prints the types of columns in the DataFrame


  • SparkSQL allows for use of SQL via DataFrame API
  • DataFrame API provides a programmatic domain-specific language (DSL) for data
  • DataFrame transformations and actions are easier to construct programmatically
  • The operations on DataFrames can also be done using SQL queries

SQL queries

  • sql(): Sparksession method to execute SQL queries
  • takes SQL statement as an argument and returns the result as DataFrame
df2 = spark.sql("SELECT field1, field2 FROM table1")
[Row(f1=1, f2='row1'), Row(f1=2, f2='row2'), Row(f1=3, f2='row3')]

Extract data


query = '''SELECT Product_ID FROM test_table'''

test_product_df = spark.sql(query)

Summarizing and grouping data


query = '''SELECT Age, max(Purchase) FROM test_table GROUP BY Age'''


Filtering columns


query = '''SELECT Age, Purchase, Gender FROM test_table WHERE Purchase > 20000 AND Gender == "F"'''


Data Visualization in PySpark

  • Open source plotting tools to aid visualization in Python: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokeh, Plotly, …
  • Plotting graphs using PySpark DataFrames is done using three methods:
    • pyspark_dist_explore library,
    • toPandas(), and
    • HandySpark library


  • pyspark_dist_explore provides quick insights into DataFrames
  • Currenty three functions available - hist(), distplot(), pandas_histogram()
test_df ="test.csv", header=True, inferSchema=True)
test_df_age ='Age') 
hist(test_df_age, bins=20, color="red")

Plotting with Pandas

 test_df ="test.csv", header=True, inferSchema=True) 
 test_df_sample_pandas = test_df.toPandas() 
Pandas DataFrame PySpark DataFrame
in-memory, single-server based structures in parallel on multiple nodes
eager evaluation lazy evaluation
mutable immutable
supports more operations supports fewer operations


  • HandySpark: package designed to improve PySpark user experience
test_df ='test.csv', header=True, inferSchema=True) 
hdf = test_df.toHandy()