Most of the content (and all images if not specified differently) is taken from Introduction to Airflow by Mike Metzger.


What are DAGs

DAG: Directed Acyclic Graph

  • Directed: inherent flow representing dependencies between components
  • Acyclic: does not loop/cycle/repeat
  • Graph: the set of components

Within Airflow, DAGs

  • are written in Python (but can use components written in other languages)
  • are made up of components (typically tasks) to be executed, such as operators, sensors, etc.
  • contain dependencies defined explicitly or implicitly

Defining a DAG

etl_dag = DAG(
from airflow.models import DAG

from datetime import datetime
default_arguments = {
    'owner': 'TEA',
    'email': '',
    'start_date': datetime(2022,2,1),
etl_dag = DAG( 'etl_workflow', default_args=default_arguments )

Running a workflow

airflow run <dag_id> <task_id> <start_date>
airflow run example-etl download-file 2022-02-01

Learn about available sub-commands

airflow -h

Command line vs Python

Use the command line tool to:

  • start Airflow process
  • manually run DAGs / Tasks
  • get logging information from Airflow

Use Python to:

  • create a DAG
  • edit the individual properties of a DAG

Web UI vs command line

airflow webserver -p 9090

In most cases:

  • equally powerful depending on needs
  • Web UI is easier
  • Command line tool may be easier to access depending on settings



  • represent a single task in a workflow
  • run independently (usually)
  • generally do not share information
  • various operators to perform different tasks
DummyOperator(task_id='example', dag=dag)



    bash_command='echo "Example!"',
  • Executes a given Bash command or script.
  • Runs the command in a temporary directory.
  • Can specify environment variables for the command.


from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator
example_task_1 = BashOperator(
    bash_command='echo 1',
example_task_2 = BashOperator(
    bash_command='cat addresses.txt | awk "NF==10" > cleaned.txt',

Operator gotchas

  • not guaranteed to run in the same location / environment
  • may require extensive use of environment variables
  • can be difficult to run tasks with elevated privileges



  • instances of operators
  • usually assigned to a variable in Python
example_task = BashOperator(
    bash_command='echo "Example!"',
  • referred to by the task_id within the Airflow tools

Task dependencies

  • define a given order of task completion
  • are not required for a given workflow ´, but usually present in most
  • are referred to as upstream or downstream tasks
  • in Airflow 1.8 and later, defined by using the bitshift operator
    • >>: upstream operator (means before)
    • <<: downstream operator (means after) ```Python

      Define the tasks

task1 = BashOperator(task_id=’first_task’, bash_command=’echo 1’, dag=example_dag)

task2 = BashOperator(task_id=’second_task’, bash_command=’echo 2’, dag=example_dag)

Set first_task to run before second_task

task1 » task2 # or task2 « task1

### Multiple dependencies

#### Chained dependencies

task1 >> task2 >> task3 >> task4

Mixed dependencies

task1 >> task2 << task3


task1 >> task2
task3 >> task2



  • executes a Python function / callable
  • operates similarly to the BashOperator, with more options
  • can pass in arguments to the Python code
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
def printme():
    print('This goes in the logs!')

python_task = PythonOperator(


  • supports arguments to tasks
    • positional
    • keyword
  • use the op_kwargs dictionary

op_kwargs example

import time
def sleep(length_of_time):
sleep_task = PythonOperator(
    op_kwargs={'length_of_time': 5},


  • found in the airflow.operators library
  • sends an email
  • can contain typical components
    • html content
    • attachments
  • does require the Airflow system to be configured with email server details
from airflow.operators.email_operator import EmailOperator

email_task = EmailOperator(
    subject='Automated Sales Report',
    html_content='Attached is the latest sales report',
    dag=example_dag )

Airflow scheduling

DAG Runs

  • a specific instance of a workflow at a point in time
  • can be run manually or via schedule_interval
  • maintin state for each workflow and the tasks within
    • running
    • failed
    • success

Schedule details

When scheduling a DAG, there are several attirbutes of note:

  • start_date - The date / time to initially schedule the DAG run
  • end_date - Optional attribute for when to stop running new DAG instances
  • max_tries - Optional attribute for how many attempts to make
  • schedule_interval - How often to run

Schedule interval

schedule_interval represents:

  • how often to schedule the DAG
  • between the start_date and end_date
  • can be defined via cron style syntax or via built-in presets

cron syntax


cron job format

  • is pulled from the Unix cron format
  • conssits of 5 fields separated by a space
  • an asterisk * represents running for every interval (ie, every minute, every day, etc)
  • can be comma separated values in fields for a list of values

cron examples

0 12 * * *          # Run daily at noon
* * 25 2 *          # Run once per minute on February 25
0,15,30,45 * * * *          # Run every 15 minutes

Airflow scheduler presets

Standard presets
Preset cron equivalent
@hourly 0 * * * *
@daily 0 0 * * *
@weekly 0 0 * * 0
@monthly 0 0 1 * *
@yearly 0 0 1 1 *
Special presets

Airflow has two special schedule_interval presets:

  • None - Don’t schedule ever, used for manually triggered DAGs
  • @once - Schedule only once

schedule_interval inssues

When scheduling a DAG, Airflow will:

  • use the start_date as the earliest possible value schedule the task at start_date + schedule_interval
# the earliest starting time to run the DAG is on February 26th, 2020
'start_date': datatime(2020,2,25),
'schedule_interval': @daily



  • an operator that waits for a certain condition to be true
    • creation of a file
    • upload of a database record
    • certain response from a web request
  • can define how often to check for the condition to be true
  • are assigned to tasks
  • derived from airflow_sensors.base_sensor_operator
  • Sensor arguments:
    • mode='poke' - default, run repeatedly
    • mode='reschedule' - give up task slot and try again later
  • poke_interval - how often to wait between checks
  • timeout - how long to wait before failing task
  • also includes normal operator attributes

File sensor

  • part of the airflow.contrib.sensors library
  • checks for the existence of a file at a certain location
  • can also check if any files exist within a directory
from airflow.contrib.sensors.file_sensor import FileSensor

file_sensor_task = FileSensor(

init_sales_cleanup >> file_sensor_task >> generate_report

More sensors

  • ExternalTaskSensor - wait for a task in another DAG to complete
  • HttpSensor - request a web URL and check for content
  • SqlSensor - runs an SQL query to check for content
  • many others in airflow.sensors and airflow.contrib.sensors

Use sensors …

  • if uncertain when it will be true
  • if failure not immediately desired
  • if you want to add task repetition without loops



  • executors run tasks
  • different executors handle running the tasks differently
  • example executors:
    • SequentialExecutor
    • LocalExecutor
    • CeleryExecutor


  • the default Airflow executor
  • runs one task at a time
  • useful for debugging
  • while functional, not really recommended for production


  • runs on a single system
  • treats tasks as processes
  • parallelism defined by the user
  • can utilize all resources of a given host system


  • uses a Celery backend as task manager
  • multiple worker systems can be defined
  • is significantly more difficult to setup & configure
  • extremely powerful method for organizations with extensive workflows

Determine your executor


  • via the airflow.cfg file
  • look for the exectuor= line
repl:~$ cat airflow/airflow.cfg | grep "executor = "
executor = SequentialExecutor


  • via the first line of airflow list_dags
repl:~$ airflow list_dags
Info - Using SequentialExecutor

Debugging in Airflow

Typical Issues


  • DAG won’t run on schedule
  • DAG won’t load
  • Syntax errors

DAG won’t run on schedule

  • at least one schedule_interval hasn’t passed
    • modify the attributes to meet your requirements
  • not enough tasks free within the executor to run
    • change executor type
    • add system resources
    • add more systems
    • change DAG scheduling

DAG won’t load

Syntax errors