IOS Command Hierarchy

ios is not case sensitive


  • hostname>: User exec mode
    • not that often used: limited set of commands that can be entered here
    • ? shows all the commands that are available on this level
      • Enter scrolls through line by line
      • Space scrolls through page by page
      • to define scrollback options, go to settings (if you are using Putty)
    • enable (or simply en): enter privileged exec mode
  • hostname#: Privileged exec mode (enable)
    • disable (or simply disa): to drop back down to user exec mode
      • type di? to see all the commands starting with di
    • show (or simply sh): get information about the device (in point in time; debug gives output that will be updated in realtime)
      • sh ?: display all possible keywords for this command
        • hit Ctrl-C to break out of a command
        • hit Ctrl-A to get to the start of the line
        • hit up arrow to bring back previous commands
      • sh aaa ?: displays all available options after sh aaa
      • use tab keyfor command completion
    • configure terminal (or simply conf t): move to global configuration mode
  • hostname(config)#: Global configuration mode (configure terminal)
    • do in front of command like showto enable it (unless your in privileged exec mode)
    • interface followed by the respective interface: move to interface configuration mode
  • hostname(config-if)#: Interface configuration mode (interface x)

most common commands on router or switch

  • show ip interface brief: shows all the interfaces on the device with their status and ip addresses
  • show running config: shows entire running configuration on the device
    • sh run int fast0/0: show config for this particular interface
    • sh run | begin hostname: show config starting from where hostname is mentioned
    • sh run | ?: to see all the available options
      • atributes behind piped commands are case sensitive since they are regular expressions
  • enable: move to privileged exec mode configure terminal: move to global configuration mode
  • interface followed by the respective interface: move to interface configuration mode
  • exit drops back down a level
  • end drops back to privileged exec mode from any level